More and more people are looking for ways to reduce the cost of their electricity bills. Installing ceiling fans can help you save money both in the summer heat as well as the cold temperatures of winter.
In summer, the ceiling fan set to high allows you to set your thermostat by four degrees without losing your comfort. The method of operation involves the fact that the fans circulate air in a manner that cools the skin. It is actually cooling you, not the space. If you decide to leave the room, it's recommended to turn off the fan to save any additional energy. Ceiling fans only use the electrical equivalent of the power of the incandescent bulb. That means that a ceiling fan will typically use anything between 75 and 90 watts.
In winter, ceiling fans could assist in heating the space. Certain ceiling fans can be set to turn either counter-clockwise or clockwise. Using a clockwise spin on the low setting will transfer hot air up from the ceiling to the floor. The difference isn't significant, but it could suffice to reduce the cost of heating. With the rising cost of heating your house, a small amount could be worth it.
Installing a ceiling fan may be more challenging than many people first think. The ceiling fan might require a bigger electric box than the light it replaces. The position on the ceiling of the fan can be vital for not only getting the maximum benefits but also for safety purposes. Ceiling fans have been installed by us for many years, and our electricians are well-versed on how to position the fan in a way that you can get the most efficient circulation of air while minimizing vibration.