While most electrical problems that arise in your home will require the assistance of an electrician, some things can be done by you if you have the time and tools. This post discusses how to replace a junction box or fix backstabbed wires.
The National Electrical Codes of Standards should be met. However, if there is a missing cover on a junction box in your home, you need to replace it immediately. The junction boxes contain the wire splices that connect the wires together. They can become dangerously hot or dangerous if they are not properly protected. You might want to consult an electrician if this has happened.
This can be fixed by simply using the original cover with some screws. If it is damaged or lost, you can buy a new one at your local hardware store for just a few dollars and then install it with the included screws.
Backstabbed wires happen when wires from newer switches or receptacles get pushed into their back. These wires are more susceptible to slipping than those held in place with screws. The terminal will likely stop working if the wire is loose, and in some cases, it could even cause an electric fire.
Check for switches that have backstabbed wires. If there are any, you can release them and attach them to the screw terminals. Your electrician will be able to fix it for you quickly if you are not comfortable doing this.
These are two easy electrical problems that you can tackle yourself with the right tools. However, if you don't feel confident doing these jobs, it is best to hire a professional.