Is it time for a Electrical Panel Upgrade?

July 13, 2021

Is it time for a Electrical Panel Upgrade?

Your electrical panel (also known as your breaker box) controls all electricity in your house. It receives electricity from the utility company and distributes it to all of your home's circuits. These circuits then supply power to your appliances, lights, and other electrical devices. The electrical panel acts as your control center and allows you to switch off power to certain areas of your house as needed.

It's more than just a switchboard to allow you to turn on your home's electricity. Your electrical panel also serves several critical functions that will keep your home safe, and your electrical system working efficiently. An upgrade to your electrical panel can improve the safety of your family, as well as your system's ability to keep up with your changing needs. How can you tell when it is time to upgrade your electrical panels? Here are some signs to look out for.

1. Old House

Our dependence on technology has increased and so has the need for electricity within our homes. Although older homes were built before the advent of air conditioners, entertainment centers, and computers, their electrical panels are not designed to handle the loads we place on them. Many older homes had 60-amp electrical panels. Modern homes have 100- and 200-amp panels to accommodate our modern needs.

2. Not enough outlets

Extension cords are a sign that your home does not have enough outlets. Extension cords can be used for short periods of time to provide power when you are most needed. Extension cords that are used frequently can quickly wear out and become fire hazards. Instead of creating a trip hazard by using a network surge protectors or extension cords, upgrade the electrical panel and add additional outlets to your home.

3. Not enough breakers

A fuse-based electric system may be used in homes built before 1970. This system is not modern and was also outdated. Circuit breakers can "trip" when they are overloaded. This means that they cannot stop electricity flowing safely. Overloaded fuses can melt, blow or short-circuit, which poses a slight risk of catching fire.

4. Tripping Breakers

Upgrade your electrical panel if you are constantly going to the breaker box after a trip to a circuit breaker. If your electrical panel is worn or damaged, circuits can trip more often. This could also indicate that your panel isn't capable of handling your energy needs.

5. New Appliances

Your panel was built to provide the same energy requirements as your home when it was installed. You will need to upgrade your electrical system if you have added on, converted your basement into living space, or increased your energy demands. You may also need to upgrade if you have added many modern appliances, such as a washer/dryer or dishwasher, that use a lot of power.

6. Overloaded System

Overloading your electrical system can lead to poor performance and safety hazards. These signs will be evident if your electrical system is having trouble keeping up.

  • Lights flicker often
  • When an appliance is turned on, lights dim.
  • Breakers trip frequently or fuse blows often
  • Some of your outlets have been singed
  • It is difficult to smell the switch or outlet.
  • When you plug in or unplug a cord, outlets emit sparks
  • When plugging in or unplugging cords, you get shocked

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